

bahsegel giris


  • Access bars
  • Acupression
  • Acupuncture
  • Addiction
  • Angoisse
  • Anxiété
  • Aromathérapeute
  • Art thérapie
  • Bien-être
  • Blocage émotionnel
  • Burn out
  • Chamane
  • Coach de vie
  • Confiance en soi
  • Coupeur de feu
  • Dépression
  • Diététicien
  • Douleur
  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
  • Emotions
  • Energéticienne
  • Etiopathe
  • Fasciathérapeute
  • Fatigue
  • Fleurs de bach
  • Formateur
  • Géobiologue
  • Gestalt thérapeute
  • Gestion des émotions
  • Gestion du stress
  • Guérisseur
  • Huiles essentielles
  • Hypersensibilité
  • Hypnose
  • Hypnose ericksonienne
  • Hypnothérapeute
  • Insomnie
  • Iridologue
  • Kinésiologue
  • Lahochi
  • Libération émotionnelle
  • Lithothérapie
  • Magnétiseur
  • Massage
  • Massage ayurvédique
  • Massage énergétique
  • Médecine traditionnelle chinoise
  • Méditation
  • Médium
  • Musicothérapeute
  • Mycothérapeute
  • Naturopathe
  • Nutritionniste
  • Phobie
  • PNL
  • Psychanalyste
  • Psychologue
  • Psychothérapeute
  • Réflexologie plantaire
  • Réflexologue
  • Reiki
  • Relaxation
  • Relaxologue
  • Sexologue
  • Sexothérapeute
  • Shiatsu
  • Soin ayurveda
  • Soin énergétique
  • Sonothérapie
  • Sophrologue
  • Stress
  • Thérapeute
  • Thérapeute de couple
  • Thérapeute holistique
  • Thérapeute psychocorporelle
  • Thérapie brève
  • Thérapie holistique
  • Traumatisme
  • Trouble du comportement
  • Trouble du sommeil
  • Yoga

Blog -


Monday, June 03

Cash Flows From Financing Financial Accounting

If the business takes the equity route, it issues stock to investors who purchase it for a share in the company. These activities are used to support operations and strategic activities of a business. Negative overall cash flow is not always a bad thing if a company can generate positive cash flow from its operations. Investors can also get information about CFF activities from the balance sheet’s equity and lon


Friday, May 03

Дериватив производный финансовый инструмент это Тюлягин

Чикагская товарная биржа (CME) — одна из крупнейших в мире бирж деривативов. Таким образом, дериватив — это производный финансовый инструмент, по которому стороны сделки получают право или обязательство выполнить некоторые дей


Thursday, May 02

ForexStart отзывы клиентов и сотрудников что за компания?

Познакомиться с участниками этой организации, призванной защитить интересы трейдеров. Липовую лицензию дилинга ForexStart и такого же липового « регулятора » мы уже рассмотрели. На самом деле финансовый аферист ForexStart никем и


Friday, May 24

Guia completo para se tornar um técnico em ciência de dados

Na Ampli, o Tecnólogo em Ciência de Dados é oferecido na modalidade de ensino a distância. Esse formato é uma ótima alternativa para quem não consegue frequentar a instituição de ensino durante curso de desenvolvimento web os 5 dias da semana e precisa conciliar os


Wednesday, June 05

Depository Overview, Functions, Types of Institutions

Following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and several other financial institutions last year, you might be wondering if your deposits are safe. A depository allows traders and investors to hold securities in dematerialized form; thus, eliminating the risk related to holding physical financial securities. The buyers and sellers now do not need to check whether the securities have been transferred successfully w


Wednesday, June 05

Bank Account Deposits Definition, How It Works, and Types

The other definition of deposit is when a portion of funds is used as a security or collateral for the delivery of a good. Some contracts require a percentage of funds paid before the delivery as an act of good faith. For example, brokerage firms often require traders to make an initial margin deposit to enter into a new futures contract. A depository is not the same thing as a repository, although they can often


Monday, May 27

Платформы для торговли на Forex: для ПК, мобильные и веб-трейдер

В 2013 году мы запустили социальную торговую платформу Share4you, с помощью которой каждый может стать участником финансовых рынков. Мы одними из первых представили этот революционный проект за год до того, как вся индустрия подхвати


Monday, May 27

LamdaTrade Отзывы и Полный обзор Форекс брокера 2024

В нем разрешается использование советников и гарантируется выход на рынок. Наши оценки основаны на детальной и объективной методологии, разработанной нашей командой экспертов. Если вы хотите узнать больше о том, как мы оценива


Tuesday, May 14

What Being Sober Really Feels Like FHE Health

According to Merriam-Webster, being sober simply means abstaining from alcohol and drugs. Though some people are sober for their entire lives, others may have sober episodes of a few years, months, or even days. Social disconnection, an increasing phenomenon in our culture, can have devastating impacts on long-term health. The share of individuals who work remotely has skyrocketed over the past two decades. And,


Thursday, May 09

Cientista de dados: o que faz, quanto ganha e qual a formação

Totalmente online, o curso pode ser baixado e as aulas assistidas quando o aluno puder e de onde estiver. Reconhecida pelo MEC, a graduação em Ciência de Dados da Descomplica prepara você para um mercado em ascensão. Apesar de ser um curso novo, diversas universidades e faculdades já oferecem essa graduação, seja na modalidade presencial ou a distância.